Upcoming release dates?
So, this has come up a few times in DMs across social media, so I figure I should make a post.
My current WIP is Amazon Apocalypse 5. As of now, I’m roughly halfway through it. I’m hoping to release it to you guys around the end of April. (There is a preorder up already for April 20’th, but Amazon lets me move it back as much as a month if I need to. I think that should be perfectly sufficient wiggle room unless there are big editing delays /rewrites.)
My hope is to be at Amazon Apocalypse 8 by the end of the year on my patreon, which may be at or near the end of the series. I might push this back a bit if I feel like starting a new series in the fall, though.
As for Amazon Apocalypse 4 on audio?
I’m not sure. Please understand I can only do so much to hurry this one along. I know people are waiting for it, but it’s a 24 hour audiobook.
I’m guessing it will release toward the end of April or early May, but that really depends on narrator availability. Jack and Jessica are both great narrators — and they are correspondingly in high demand. They have a lot of series to do, not just mine.
Just know I’ll get it to you guys as soon as possible, and I’m almost certain it’ll be released before this summer.
As always, thank you for reading!